- Download the PostFinance TWINT App from Google Play or the App Store
- Register just once via the PostFinance App and PostFinance login or with the PostFinance Card and the yellow card reader
- After registering, add the payment details of your choice (in the settings (person icon) under “Account & credit card”), as well as customer cards and membership cards
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PostFinance TWINT support
Here you can get answers to important questions on using the PostFinance TWINT App and its functions. TWINT makes cashless payments even easier and uses the highest safety standards.
On Apple devices:
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App
- Select the settings (person icon) at the top
- Go to “Security”
- Activate “Use Face ID”
For Android devices, the ability to use Face ID depends on the device.
Push notifications must be activated both in your smartphone’s settings and in the PostFinance TWINT App.
To do this, select the PostFinance TWINT App in your smartphone’s notification settings. Here, allow PostFinance to send you TWINT push notifications to the extent you wish.
In the PostFinance TWINT App, click on the settings (person icon) at the top and select “Push notifications” to activate your chosen notifications.
In order to add your new mobile telephone number to your PostFinance TWINT account, please contact our PostFinance TWINT Support.
Do you already use PostFinance TWINT, and have you reinstalled the app because you have changed devices or for other reasons? After redownloading the PostFinance TWINT App, you have to “reboard” with your existing user data.
- Delete the PostFinance TWINT App from your smartphone
- Download the PostFinance TWINT App from the App Store/Google Play Store
- Select “NO, I am already a PostFinance TWINT user”
- Enter your mobile phone number
- Select “YES, I am already registered for PostFinance TWINT with this number”
- Enter the activation code received by SMS on the corresponding screen and confirm
- Enter your current personal six-digit PIN for PostFinance TWINT
- Authenticate yourself using the PostFinance App or the yellow card reader
In order to close your TWINT account, go to the settings in your PostFinance TWINT App (person icon) and select “Close TWINT account”.
In order for a PostFinance TWINT account to be closed, there must be no pending transactions. You can find your pending transactions in “Transactions > Show all”.
Please note that automated payments (e.g. if you have stored PostFinance TWINT as a payment method in the SBB app) will be cancelled.
Closure of your PostFinance TWINT account is permanent and cannot be reversed.
Add payment method
Yes. You can now add several PostFinance accounts to your PostFinance TWINT App. To do this, tap on the settings in the PostFinance TWINT App at the top (person icon) and then on “Account & credit card”.
Tap on the settings in the PostFinance TWINT App at the top (person icon) and then on “Account & credit card”. You can link other PostFinance accounts to the TWINT App and select the account to be debited or credited for TWINT transactions.
Yes. Alongside your PostFinance accounts, you can also add your PostFinance credit cards as a payment method.
In the app, tap on the settings at the top (person icon) and then on “Account & credit card”. Click on the info symbol for the account or credit card you want to remove, and delete the account or credit card via the recycle bin icon (for iPhone) or by tapping on the yellow “Remove account” button (for Android).
In the PostFinance TWINT App, tap on the person icon at the top and then on “Customer cards” in order to add a customer card (e.g. Coop Supercard or Migros Cumulus).
Here’s how it works using your smartphone
- Select TWINT as your payment method when paying
- In the online shop, confirm the payment process via the button, and the PostFinance TWINT App will open automatically
- Confirm the payment
Here’s how it works using your computer
- Select TWINT as your payment method when paying
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App when the QR code appears and scan the code
- Confirm the payment
In online shops offering TWINT Express Checkout, you can make your purchases without having to fill out an order form. You require a personal TWINT ID for this.
TWINT ID is a central customer profile that speeds up and simplifies online shopping with TWINT Express Checkout.
Here’s how to set up your TWINT ID:
- In the app, tap on the settings at the top (person icon)
- Under profile settings, select “TWINT ID”
- Enter your first name, last name, date of birth, a delivery address, your e-mail address and your telephone number
- Accept the GTC and Privacy Policy
You also have the opportunity to create an avatar and username or add additional contact details and addresses.
TWINT ID is a free and voluntary service provided by TWINT Ltd.
With PostFinance TWINT, you have the option of paying for your purchases in selected online shops at later date. This means you can pay at any point within 30 days. As such, you can check your purchases in your own time at home. “Pay later” works just like payment with invoice – completely digitally. You need to make a one-time registration to use the “Pay later” function. Additional fees may be incurred, depending on the retailer.
You can add PostFinance TWINT as a payment method to many third-party apps, including the SBB app, FAIRTIQ and the Migros app. This enables you to pay with TWINT automatically in the relevant app.
If a retailer provides this option, you will be asked directly when paying in the app if you want to activate automatic payments via PostFinance TWINT.
You can see where PostFinance TWINT has been added in the settings (person icon) under “Automatic payments”.
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App
- Scan the QR code on the terminal
- Confirm the payment on your smartphone
The limit is based on the available account balance, up to a maximum of 4,000 francs per calendar month. You can adjust the limit in the PostFinance TWINT App under settings, then “Limit” at the bottom.
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App and, on the home screen, select “Send”
- Enter an optional message for the recipient and tap on “Send”
Money sent from TWINT user to TWINT user is sent in real time. Did your payment not arrive? First, check if the mobile telephone number is correct. Ask the recipient of the money if the account associated with the number is still active. It could be that the recipient once had a TWINT account with another bank or Prepaid TWINT and has since deleted the app. That doesn’t mean their TWINT account has been deleted, however. Ask the recipient to download the old TWINT App again and to check if the payment was credited to the account.
When receiving money, the most recently installed TWINT App is used automatically. You can adjust this in the app settings.
If you have sent money to somebody who isn’t registered with TWINT, you can cancel the money transfer under the menu item “Transactions”. If the person has not successfully registered with TWINT within four days, the money will be refunded to you.
If a payment is pending to a person who doesn’t use TWINT, you can cancel this directly in the PostFinance TWINT App.
Here’s how to cancel a payment to a person who doesn’t use TWINT:
- Log in to the PostFinance TWINT App
- On the start screen, by your transactions, click on “Show all”
- Open the required payment by clicking on “Open”
- Select “Cancel”
Please note: already completed payments cannot be cancelled. In this case, you can get your money back only by directly contacting the person or retailer you sent the money to and requesting a refund.
The limit for sending money via PostFinance TWINT is based on your available account balance, up to a maximum of 5,000 francs per calendar month. You can adjust the limit in the PostFinance TWINT App under settings > “Limit”.
Ask the person incorrectly receiving the money to send it back to you. If the person will not give the money back, contact PostFinance TWINT Support.
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App and select “Request and split” on the home screen
- Select the “Request” tab, enter the required amount and select the recipients
- Enter an optional message for the recipients and click on “Request”
You can receive a maximum of 4,000 francs per calendar month. This limit cannot be adjusted.
- Check connection: make sure your device has a stable internet connection
- Payment history: check in the TWINT App under “Transactions” if the payment has been processed
- Check recipient: confirm that the recipient information is correct
- PostFinance TWINT Support: contact PostFinance TWINT Support if the problem persists
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App and, on the start screen by your transactions, click on “Show all”
- Choose the relevant payment in the list
- In the payment’s detailed view, select “Split this amount”
- Add an optional message (by title)
- Add the recipient and enter the required mobile telephone number
- You can modify the amount individually if necessary
- Select “Request money”
- Open the PostFinance TWINT App and select “Request and split” on the homepage
- Select the “Split amount” tab
- Add an optional message (by title)
- Add the recipient and enter the required mobile telephone number
- You can modify the amount individually if necessary
- Select “Request money”
Please note that you must enter your vehicle registration number before using this function for the first time. You must indicate your location to use this function.
Here’s how it works if you use “Parking” in the app:
Select your parking zone on the map. Enter how long you wish to park for, confirm the payment and start the parking procedure. You can end the parking time paid for at any point. The difference will be charged directly to you.Here’s how it works at the parking meter:
Scan the QR code on the parking meter using the PostFinance TWINT App. You can end the parking time paid for at any point. The difference will be charged directly to you.Licence plate recognition (LPR):
With this function, you can drive directly in and out of the car park without buying a ticket or using the parking meter, so long as the car park is set up to take advantage of this function and it has been activated by you. You must activate the LPR function in advance. To do this, tap on “Parking” on the partner functions homepage, then on the car symbol and select “Licence plate recognition (LPR)“. Enable the “LPR” function and activate your chosen car parks. In addition to the relevant parking fees, an additional charge of 25 centimes will be incurred for each transaction subject to a charge. -
You can find exclusive deals and special offers every week in the PostFinance TWINT App. You can also benefit from discounts with selected partners.
Select the right offer in the “Super Deals” section. Offers are available only in very limited numbers.
Review your shopping basket, confirm your choices and then return to the PostFinance TWINT App for easy and secure payment.
Select “Digital vouchers”, the required shop and the amount and then confirm the payment.
You can display the voucher code directly or access it at any time via partner functions. You also have the option of gifting the voucher code by e-mail.
With the TWINT partner function “Cash withdrawal”, you can obtain cash quickly and easily in over 2,300 partner shops (e.g. at participating bakeries or kiosks).
Check in the list or on the map where the nearest withdrawal point is. Select “Cash withdrawal” and enter the amount required.
After approval in the PostFinance TWINT App, you’ll receive your cash by visiting one of the partner shops within the next 15 minutes and presenting the barcode.
Here’s how it works when buying digital vouchers
- Open the “Digital vouchers” function in your PostFinance TWINT App
- Select a voucher of your choice
- Enter your discount code and tap on “Apply”
- The discount code will be credited to you immediately
Please note that discount codes for certain digital vouchers cannot be redeemed (e.g. Abon or paysafecard).
Here’s how it works when buying Super Deals
- Open the “Super Deals” function in your PostFinance TWINT App
- Select a deal
- Tap on “Buy now” and then on “Continue to checkout”
- Confirm your delivery information
- In the “Summary” overview, enter your discount code and tap on “Apply”. The discount code will be credited to you immediately.
Contact our 24/7 hotline on 0800 888 877.
In the settings, you can change your PIN at any time under the “Security” menu item.
Have you forgotten your PIN? On the login page, click on “Forgotten TWINT PIN?” You will be able to authenticate yourself again via the PostFinance App and then set a new PIN.If you do not have the PostFinance App, contact PostFinance TWINT Support on 058 667 17 56 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Please contact PostFinance TWINT Support and ask for your PostFinance TWINT account to be blocked. If you find your smartphone, you can unblock your TWINT account via our Support.
If your PostFinance Card is blocked, you can continue to pay with PostFinance TWINT. However, if your PostFinance account is blocked, you cannot use PostFinance TWINT.
If you are the victim of fraud or are unsure if fraud has taken place, contact our PostFinance Blocking Center immediately on 0800 888 877.
Get useful information on how to spot possible fraud and what you can do about it.
- Check payment history: check the transaction in the PostFinance TWINT App
- Contact recipients or retailers: request your money back or ask the retailer for a response
- PostFinance TWINT Support: contact PostFinance TWINT Support to report the problem
- Keep details to hand: to make processing easier, have information on the transaction (e.g. date, amount, recipient) and the retailer’s response to hand
Contact PostFinance TWINT Support.
Firstly, check the following:
- Is the app version up to date?
- Is there an Internet connection available?
After checking these things, close the PostFinance TWINT App and restart your smartphone. Then reload the app. If the problem persists, please contact PostFinance TWINT Support.
Were we unable to answer your questions?
Our PostFinance TWINT Support would be happy to help you. Contact us directly in e-finance via chat or on 058 667 17 56, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.