We are making progress on the climate and the environment. In accordance with Swiss Post Group’s ambitious climate and energy targets, we are working towards internal climate neutrality by 2030 and net zero by 2040. In doing so, we are faced with the challenge of reducing our own direct and indirect emissions. Due to our activities on the global capital market, financed emissions in particular play an important role in reducing indirect emissions. This is our most significant tool for influencing emissions.

Our journey to greater sustainabilityYou are here:
What does corporate responsibility mean for us at PostFinance? It means that we give equal consideration in our operations to environmental, social and economic objectives. With a great deal of courage and commitment, and with targets that we have set ourselves, we work together with our employees and customers for the sustainable development of our company. After all, this is the only way to make banking truly meaningful and enjoyable.
Climate and energy
Targeted approach reducing emissions
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Diversity and equality
We are convinced that diversity in teams will take us forward. Thanks to different perspectives, we succeed in creating sustainable added value with our services. This is why we promote diversity in our company, all men, women and people with other gender identities can enjoy the same opportunities and conditions. With flexible working hours and models, we support our employees in reconciling work and family life.
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Better together
We work with different partners who support us on our journey towards more sustainability.
This is our journey to greater sustainability
What we mean by corporate responsibility
The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CR) refers to a company’s responsibility towards the environment, society and economic goals. Consistent implementation of the corporate responsibility strategy contributes significantly to sustainable development and to meeting social challenges. As a company, we act sustainably when we succeed not only in generating appropriate profit but also in creating added value for society and in taking the needs of the environment into account through our actions.
Environmental responsibility means that we as a company take the environment into account and, with our ambitious climate and energy targets, contribute to stabilizing global warming at 1.5 °C in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.
Social responsibility means that we as an employer take responsibility for our employees. To achieve this, we invest in apprenticeships and the further development of our employees, we provide working conditions that allow employees to balance their professional and private lives, and we cultivate a unique corporate culture in which we treat each other as equals and in which diversity and gender equality are practised.
Economic responsibility means that we as PostFinance have a responsibility to operate sustainably and enable our customers to invest their money sustainably with sustainable market services.
PostFinance has adopted its corporate responsibility strategy. In it, we set out how we will raise awareness of sustainability among our employees and support them in integrating sustainability in their daily work, how we intend to reduce our carbon footprint, how we will expand our sustainable market services, how we will drive sustainable innovations, and how we will promote gender equality.
We are guided by the UN’s 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with a particular focus on Goal 5 “Gender Equality”, Goal 9 “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”, Goal 12 “Sustainable Consumption and Production”, and Goal 13 “Climate Action”. The acronym SDG refers to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which UN member states have committed to meeting by 2030 and which address economic, social and environmental factors.