Car insurance FAQ

General questions

    • The most frequent driver of the vehicle must be aged 20 or over
    • The most frequent driver must have been in possession of a driving licence for at least two years
    • Date: when purchasing a new or used vehicle or when changing insurer by giving due notice to the previous insurer
    • Current domicile in Switzerland
    • Provision of a valid mobile phone number (required for communication and login)
    • There is no requirement to have an account with PostFinance.
  • The insurance policy is taken out in three steps:
    1. On the insurance portal: calculate the premium and display the offer.
    2. On the insurance portal: take out the insurance policy by clicking on “Take out policy now”. You have now taken out a legally valid car insurance policy. A physical signature is no longer required.
    3. Register the car with the road traffic department, i. e. have the insurance policy entered into the car registration document. You are not protected by the car insurance policy until you have completed this step.

    The insurance comes into force after step 3 (registration), and only then does it become legally binding. When changing insurance policies, the information registered with the road traffic department must be modified. Otherwise the policy will not become legally binding in accordance with the Swiss Road Traffic Act (RTA).

  • The insurance policy covers privately used passenger vehicles such as saloon cars, estate cars, hybrids, convertibles and family cars.

    Currently, non-insurable vehicles include vehicles that are 20 years old or more on the date of signature of the insurance contract and vehicles for business use (company vehicles), motorcycles, certain commercial vehicles, high-performance vehicles (proportion of horsepower to weight) and vehicles with a very small number of registrations (speciality vehicles).

    It may be the case that a vehicle is viewed as a passenger vehicle, but is classified by the manufacturers as a commercial vehicle (e.g. VW T6). These vehicles can be insured depending on the vehicle type. Insurable vehicles can be selected on the insurance portal.

  • PostFinance Ltd
    c/o TONI Digital Insurance Solutions AG
    Seefeldstrasse 5a
    8008 Zurich, Switzerland
    Tel. (from Switzerland): 0848 117 799
    Tel. (from abroad): +41 58 667 14 00
    The link will open in a new window

  • If you have the SmartPlus banking package, the insurance discount applies to all PostFinance property insurance policies (car, motorcycle, travel and legal protection insurance), except for those for which Great Lakes Insurance SE is the insurer. The discount is granted only once per insurance policy on an annual net premium (excluding taxes, duties, etc.) and is credited to your PostFinance private account within three months. The discount lapses or is not granted if your banking package is changed from Smart to SmartPlus and back within two years and/or if the policy is terminated and a new policy is taken out for the same insurance object.

Before taking out insurance

  • An existing insurance policy with a previous insurer can be terminated by giving due notice, with effect from the end of the specified contractual period. The conditions can be found either in the policy or in the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI). Usually, the notice period is three months before the end of the annual contract term. If the contract is not cancelled, it will normally be extended by a further year. In some cases, there are also non-cancellable multi-year contracts.

    In the following cases, the insurance can be cancelled during the course of the year:

    • If you replace your old vehicle with a new one,
      for example, the insurance for the old vehicle can be cancelled. Let the current insurance provider know quickly, so that they can terminate the contract and refund on a pro rata basis the annual premium that has been paid in advance. No premium can be refunded in the event of total loss.
    • If the premium changes
      If the insurer changes the amount of the premium or the excess, or if they reduce the benefits, you can cancel with effect from the date of the contract amendment. The notice of termination must have been received by the insurer before the new premium applies.
    • If there is a change of owner
      If there is a change of owner, the comprehensive insurance cover will cease. The personal liability insurance cover will be transferred to the new owner, however. The new owner may cancel this within 14 days of the transfer. The old personal liability insurance expires once the new party is entered on the registration document. Some insurers do not accept a transfer within the family as a reason for termination.
    • In the event of a claim
      If the insurer pays compensation in the event of a claim, you may terminate the policy. The deadlines are governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI). The liability of the insurer ends 14 days after the notice of termination is received. If the contract has been in force for longer than one year and the damages do not constitute a write-off, you will receive the prepaid annual premium back on a pro rata basis.
  • As a rule, insurance companies require the notice of termination to be signed in person by the policyholder. Unfortunately, this means that we cannot take care of the cancellation process for you.

    However, we are happy to help you by providing a ready-made cancellation letter template. All you need to do is add a few details before sending it to your insurer.


  • The detailed information on basic coverage, additional coverage and the contractual conditions can be found in our General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI). Read through this document before signing the contract and contact our Support if anything is unclear.

  • We try to always offer our customers the best service at fair prices. Consequently, we do not automatically increase premiums in the following year.
  • PostFinance car insurance has only recently entered the insurance market. In this initial phase, its range of services is therefore still limited. For example, we do not currently offer insurance solutions for exchangeable license plates.

    We are constantly assessing possible additional services and product enhancements that we will be able to offer our customers at a later date.

  • We are one of the few providers who no longer have a bonus/penalty system, so there is no need for bonus protection insurance. Compared with other insurance companies, it’s as if you remain constantly at the lowest bonus level.

    We integrate premium protection into every policy free of charge: this means that there is no automatic premium adjustment in the event of a claim, so you don’t have to worry about your premium increasing following a claim.

  • In principle, with PostFinance car insurance all other drivers are insured according to the agreed coverage, provided you have consented to their use of the vehicle.

    Please note, however, that the excess for drivers under the age of 25 and new drivers (drivers who have had their driving license for less than three years) increases by 1,000 francs in addition to the agreed excess. This applies to liability and collision events. The partial cover excess is not affected.

Preparation of an offer

  • In our online process, the difference between your date of birth and the date on which you obtained your driving license must be at least 18 years. In certain cases, however, it is possible for a person to obtain their driving license before the age of 18. In this case, the date on which you obtained your driving license must be adjusted in the online process so that the difference is at least 18 years. Upon signature of the insurance contract, you can then inform us of the actual date so that we can enter it correctly in your policy.
  • This may be because we are currently unable to insure all brands and models. In this case, you are welcome to contact our Support so that this can be assessed in more detail.

    If the make and model are available in the online process, but you cannot find a specific model type, you can select another model type of the same model that:

    • has the same horsepower (HP) as your model type
    • has a similar price when new as your model type

    If you are unsure about this, our Support will be pleased to help you.

  • Your mobile phone number is required to log into the online cockpit after signature of the insurance contract. When you log in, a code will be sent to your mobile phone via push message so that you can access your personal cockpit using your e-mail address. Thanks to two-factor login including an mTAN code, we can guarantee maximum security for your customer cockpit as well as your customer data.
  • The offer for your PostFinance car insurance is valid for 30 days. You can complete the insurance agreement at any time during this period.
  • The commencement of cover date chosen for the insurance policy can be up to five months after the date on which the offer was calculated. If, for example, the offer is calculated on 1 January, you can choose a commencement of cover date of 1 June.

Registering the vehicle

  • If you do not know the serial number of the vehicle when you are answering the additional questions for proof of insurance (after taking out the insurance), as can be the case for imported vehicles, for instance, the chassis number can also be used for the proof of insurance. Support will be happy to provide further assistance.

  • We will transfer the electronic proof of insurance automatically to the road traffic department in your canton. In order to modify the registration of the vehicle on time, you have two options. You can either send the existing vehicle registration document to the road traffic department approximately four to five days before the commencement of cover date you entered for the change of insurance, or you can take the registration document to the road traffic department in person.

    If you choose to send in the registration document, please enclose a note specifying the date of the change in insurance policy. During the following week, the new registration document will be sent to you by the road traffic department. The insurance coverage will apply from the commencement of cover date specified in the policy.

    For insurance starting on 1 January, the registration document must reach the road traffic department before 1 January. You should also pay attention to public holidays to ensure that the insurance cover is entered into the registration document by the date of commencement of cover. A period without insurance should be avoided at all costs. We therefore advise selecting a commencement of cover date for the new insurance policy a few days before the end date of the current insurance cover.

  • We will transfer the electronic proof of insurance automatically to the road traffic department in your canton. The purchased vehicle will be registered immediately when you visit the road traffic department or send in the vehicle registration document. The start date in your insurance policy is then the same as the registration date at the road traffic department. When you purchase a new vehicle, the registration is often carried out by the seller.

    The road traffic department requires the following documents for registration:

    • For the old vehicle (if you have an old vehicle): the original vehicle registration document so that it can be cancelled.
    • For the new vehicle: the registration document (for used vehicles) or the inspection report form 13.20A (new vehicles), which is usually filled in directly by the dealer.

    During the following week, the new registration document will be sent to you by the road traffic department. 

  • The policy is not set to “active” in your cockpit until the road traffic department confirms the registration with us. Since the information is sent via electronic data transmission, in rare cases this can take up to four weeks, depending on the canton. Of course, insurance cover is also guaranteed for you during this time, as the date of the effective registration/modification with the road traffic department is the determining factor.

Contractual conditions

  • If the vehicle is registered before the commencement of cover date that is indicated in the policy, the vehicle will be insured starting from the commencement of cover date. If the vehicle is registered after the commencement of cover date that is indicated in the policy, the vehicle will be insured starting from the date of registration of the vehicle.
  • The insurance is valid in Europe and in countries bordering the Mediterranean (see the country list on the green insurance card). Fully comprehensive insurance and passenger accident cover, as well as a breakdown service (assistance insurance), is also provided in Kosovo.
  • TONI Digital Insurance Solutions AG acts as the fixed insurance broker for the insurance companies listed below. PostFinance acts as the marketing partner of TONI and sells the motor vehicle insurance products online from the insurance companies listed below.

    Information about the change of insurance provider:
    On 8 January 2024, PostFinance car/motorcycle insurance will change its insurance provider for liability insurance and partial and comprehensive collision insurance. For all liability insurance and partial and comprehensive collision insurance policies taken out based a quotation calculated from 8 January 2024 onwards, ipitQ EMEA P&C S.A. will be the insurance provider. For all liability insurance and partial and comprehensive collision insurance policies already in place before 8 January 2024 or taken out based on a quotation calculated before 8 January 2024, Great Lakes Insurance SE will be the insurance provider. TAS Versicherungen AG will remain the contractual partner for the breakdown service (roadside assistance insurance), and Assista Rechtsschutz AG will remain the contractual partner for vehicle legal protection insurance.

  • The contract documents (policy and “green insurance card”) will be sent to you electronically or saved in your customer cockpit as soon as we have received confirmation of registration from the road traffic department. You can choose to have invoices sent to you electronically or to receive printed copies by post. You can make your selection directly during the onboarding process. You will then receive your invoice annually upon automatic renewal. In special cases it can take up to four weeks for the documents to be delivered, as we are dependent on electronic data transmission from the Swiss road traffic departments in order to issue the policy documents and the invoice.
  • Since 1 July 2020, the “green insurance card” has been recognized internationally if printed out on white paper. You can therefore download and print out the “green insurance card” directly from your customer cockpit.
  • Your policy has a duration of one year starting from the date of commencement of cover. It will then be extended automatically by another year. However, you can cancel your policy with us during the contract term subject to a notice period of three months. You also have the following options for cancelling the contract in accordance with statutory provisions:

    • at the end of the contract: you can cancel your insurance at the end of the contract period, taking into account the standard notice period. If the contract is not cancelled, it will normally be extended by a further year.
    • If changing vehicles: if you replace your old vehicle with a new one, for example, the insurance for the old vehicle can be cancelled.
    • If the premium changes: if the terms of the contract change to your disadvantage, you can terminate the contract when the contract is modified.
    • If there is a change of owner: if there is a change of owner, the comprehensive insurance cover will cease. The personal liability insurance cover will be transferred to the new owner, however. The new owner may cancel this within 14 days of the transfer. The old personal liability insurance expires when the new party is entered on the registration document.
    • In the event of a claim: if the insurer pays compensation in the event of a claim, you may cancel the policy. The deadlines are governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI). The liability of the insurer ends 14 days after the notice of termination is received. If the contract has been in force for longer than one year and the damages do not constitute a write-off, you will receive the prepaid annual premium back on a pro rata basis.
  • In this instance, the conditions as per the quotation created on 2 January 2024 will apply. The quotation is a binding offer that is valid as written once you have accepted/confirmed it. This means that Great Lakes Insurance will be the contractual partner. If you would like iptiQ as your contractual partner, you can request a new quotation from 8 January 2024 onwards.

    Contractual partner:

    iptiQ EMEA P&C S.A., Luxembourg, Zurich office

    Insurance provider for liability insurance and partial and comprehensive collision insurance for all car/motorcycle insurance policies taken out based on a quotation calculated from 8 January 2024 onwards.

    Great Lakes Insurance in Cham

    Insurance provider for liability insurance and partial and comprehensive collision insurance for all car/motorcycle insurance policies already in place before 8 January 2024 or taken out based on a quotation calculated before 8 January 2024.

    TAS Versicherungen AG

    Insurance provider for breakdown insurance (roadside assistance insurance)

    Assista Rechtsschutz AG

    Insurance provider for vehicle legal protection insurance

In the event of a claim / accident

  • As a PostFinance car insurance customer, you have the right to freely choose the garage. However, we can recommend a workshop from our extensive network if necessary. You can have glass damage repaired at any time by Carglass (provided you have partially comprehensive cover) without excess. If you repair glass damage outside the Carglass network, the excess is 300 francs.
  • To report a breakdown, please call us at any time on 0848 117 799 (if calling from Switzerland) or +41 58 667 14 00 (if you’re calling from abroad). You can submit any other claims online as soon as they arise by visiting or by calling us on the numbers provided above between 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

    Never acknowledge any demands from third parties and do not sign any documents written in a foreign language.

  • As with many established insurers, PostFinance co-operates with experienced, professional partners to record and process claims. The partner network includes  Carglass, AVUS and Repanet. We will inform you about the procedure for handling claims after you report a claim and will of course keep you up to date.